Saturday, 5 January 2019

Work in progress in Altimeter and VSI

Note: Originally published 2016-05-22.

Work has started on the next feature for the Altimeter and VSI version 2.0, and with this, I think the app has the potential to become seriously useful as opposed to something that could just serve as a backup for those instruments.
Many people have asked me to add an alerting feature. This requires quite a bit of redesign and I'm doing this in my spare time, so it will probably be another month or two before it is released.
I didn't want to remove existing functionality, but altitude alerting requires a lot more buttons in its user interface (mainly the 10 digits so that you can type in the desired altitude), so there will be a new screen that will allow entry of this target altitude. You will get a warning when approaching your desired altitude, say 1000 feet away; another warning when inside your tolerance region, say 200 feet away; then you will get warned if you stray outside the tolerance region. The warning will at least be audible and will probably also involve a flashing indicator on the screen.
The good news is that although some people have said they will happily pay for this feature, I have decided that this will be free as well!
I have designed the new screen and am now working on the back-end stuff to support it.
I have also had requests for a "variometer"-type indication that would also be audible and would make a sound based on whether a climb or a descent is in progress, the sound also varying depending on the speed of climb or descent. I want to work on that feature some time in the future.
Finally, I have made the code open source. If the code interests you, you can see it here:
The new stuff isn't on that repository yet, but it will be.
Thanks for reading!

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