Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Pilot Altimeter & VSI version 1.6

I have now added the capability to display a rolling graph of the vertical speed as well as the altitude. Both are now enabled by default, but if you installed version 1.5, the altitude graph may not appear unless you enable it in the configuration.

The scaling of the altitude graph is, for the moment, fixed (except for the selection of feet or metres for the altitude readout). The scaling of the vertical speed graph is dynamic; it has a reasonable minimum and will increase as necessary to accommodate the measured history.

This works fine on the Nexus 4, but it might not work well on some slower devices. If this is the case, please let me know and I will see if I can change the app to enhance its performance in these cases. Thank you.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Pilot Altimeter & VSI version 1.5 released

I have just uploaded to Google Play the latest version, 1.5. It adds a rolling graph of altitude over the last 30 seconds. This is the first change to the program I have made that I consider really exciting. I can't wait to take this one flying and find out exactly how bad my level flight really is! :-)

You have to select it in the configuration before it displays, otherwise it displays just the same as in previous versions. I did that on purpose because it takes longer to update the display if the graph is also present, and I didn't want that to cause a problem for anybody.

Note that you can now find details of my apps on Google+ here:


Saturday, 7 September 2013

Pilot Altimeter & VSI version 1.4 released

Version 1.4 adds the capability to display the altitude and vertical speed indication in metres and metres per minute respectively. If you want the display shown that way, you can select it in Settings. The standard display is in feet and feet per minute.